Off-Campus Living 101

Happy Students
Welcome to Anansi’s Student Housing Off-Campus Living!

We are happy that you selected an Anansi’s Holdings property as
your home for the next year.
Please find a few guidelines below which may ease your transition into your house. As well, this Roommate Compatibility Checklist can help ensure that you find similar-minded roommates for the best possible Off-Campus living experience.

1. Rent:
An automatic rent payment at the start of each month is recommended as the most secure method of paying rent. Please contact Glen to make arrangements.

2. Emergency Exits
Some houses are set up with special arrangements for emergency exit, especially from lower units. Ensure that you are aware of these arrangements. If you are unsure, please ask Glen.

3. Smoke Detectors
All properties have built-in smoke detectors. It is a violation to tamper with these.

4. Garbage
You will find Guelph’s garbage schedule and guidelines here. For Brantford’s schedule and guidelines, check here. Please do not store garbage in sheds, garage or on the property. Transit information may also be found here.

5. Parking
Please do not park on grassed areas of the yard. This is in violation of City by-law.

6. Security
Please ensure that your house is locked when occupants are away and windows are securely latched. Guelph is a very safe community, but there have been occasional reports of minor burglaries. Please be reminded that insurance of tenants’ belongings are not covered by the house insurance and is the responsibility of the tenant if such insurance is required.

7. Parties
If you have parties, please respect the City noise by-laws and show respect to the neighbourhood by always having control of your party and guests.
8. Maintenance & Repairs
1. On moving into the house, you may find a few small maintenance items may have been missed. Please compile a list and by the end of the first week, send it to for your repairs to be scheduled. We strive to do all repairs promptly.

2. If you notice any faucet leaks or running toilets at any time, please report them promptly. These mount up and are reflected in the utilities bills.

3. Any property damage deemed to be not normal wear and tear or due to tenant negligence will be repaired and the tenants will be billed.

4. Please let us know if, during the course of your tenancy, urban animals appear to be interested in moving in with you. These may include mice, raccoons or skunks. We will engage Rid-a-Critter to remove them from the premises. Of course, proper management of garbage and household cleanliness goes a long way in discouraging these unwanted tenants.

9. Lost or Replacement Keys
If you lose your key, you will be required to pay a $10 fee for replacement. A refundable $5 deposit is required for each key provided to each tenant.

10. Lock Out
If you are locked out and someone is required to open your locked door, there will be a $20 service charge.

11. Rent Receipts
Rent Receipts will be issued electronically by email within the first 2 months of the year for all rent payments made in the preceding year.
12. Household Ettiquette
We have seen many student groups over 20 years, some of whom stayed friends for many years, others who barely lasted through the first semester. Please respect each other, tidy up after yourself and treat others with consideration to ensure that you all have a happy and successful year.


Please be aware of the Landlord scam in which landlords are contacted by persons expressing interest in the property. Typically, we have observed that the potential tenant is international and cannot be met face-to-face. We have also observed that the tenant supplies a bit too much information about themselves on first contact. These serve as red flags. They send the deposit as a money order but include extra money. The unsuspecting landlord deposits this and sends back the extra only to find out later that the money order did not cash properly. If you plan on subletting, it is probably best to let us know of your potential arrangements early, especially if it is being done sight unseen with international connections.

As the holiday season begins, Anansis Holdings Inc. wishes all students a safe and enjoyable holiday season. Sadly, some people take this opportunity to break into residences and steal from students who are away celebrating their holiday season. To keep your property safe, please consider the following preventative tips:

1. When you leave for your holiday break, take all electronics that can be moved easily with you. Electronics are high on the thieves wish lists as they are mobile and can be sold quickly on the criminal market.

2. Internal bedroom locks are good but the security of the residence must be focused on the entry points. Once inside, thieves can take their time and smash into locked doors with relative ease.

3. Consider using timers for your lights or on an inexpensive radio. Thieves often walk by a residence and profile it as to whether it appears vacant. Have a trusted friend perform a daily check at your residence.

4. If someone has attempted to break into your residence don’t dismiss this; please report this crime so the police can focus their attention accordingly.

5. Review your residential security and replace broken or inoperable lights.

Let’s keep your property where it belongs this holiday season!

Contact Information
519-827-6713 (Cell)
519-400-2537 (Cell)
519-763-3063 (Home)